This article was obtained by me in the Forum for FLP Hong Kong. Hopefully helped and brightened.
Allow me to share the experience about wrote non-fiction. The experience that really personal, because I was convinced we respectively had style that was different. Hopefully continued to give the benefit.
Initially, wrote non-fiction not something that was interesting for me, because since small I more liked to read books a group Lima Sekawan, or the classic book a kind of Robin Hood and Ivanhoe, or the puppet story (this still to my hobby now, especially because the content his value of the character that was high). I just was interested better understanding the writing of non-fiction after beginning to scrutinise works naturalist a kind of David Attenborough, David Quammen, or David Stokes. That made me fall in love with their work was the simple delivery method, the way it is, but the draught thought, and strangely for me, there his beauty! Then I also afterwards tried to write works of non-fiction about natural. And because by chance I choosed in the field insects, then was insects became my fad "casualties" wrote. The uniqueness, the intensity, the insects peculiarity was completely translated by me in my works. Results of two books that were published in 1994 and 1997. There were several matters that were noted down by me for friends for the process of the writing of these works.
1. I did not know, why did I tend to use the style wrote spoke. So if being paid close attention to, all of my articles certainly said an incident with "my" leading figure as the speaker. This style most was good to be used by me, because flexible. Meaning that, I was not loaded to look for the other leading figure. I did not know, what was this style of being suitable for the writer of fiction? But for me who tried to explore the problem that was connected with nature, this speaking style was most appropriate, flexible and flowed. I remembered words of one of the editors of the big publisher who published my first book. He say that had been never that wrote with the style like that to the writer of non-fiction that his book was published by his publisher. At that time I only said, so my style, and I will never change him, because there my strength, at the same time my enjoyment. He smiled and nodded-angguk agreed. He said, I also felt the same with you, because if that your typical characteristics, that is why became your strength also.
to be continued.....
Blog about how writing. In this blog you can learn tips and trik how to write and make a good stories. Hope this blog's usefull and enjoy!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
RealRank from Izea
Had been disappointed when seeing the ranking blog you were not in accordance with the visitor's size blog you?
Confused with the calculation of the ranking that was carried out by Google PageRank or Alexa?
Now, you might not again confuse, because of having Izea Ranks. With the system RealRank that was different, Izea Ranks will count the ranking blog we in accordance with the reality.
Here, I give you a little question and answer, so you can learn about RealRank from Izea Ranks.
What is RealRank? How is it calculated?
RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere. The service is designed to help advertisers analyze the relative reach of blogs and make informed online advertising purchasing decisions in the long run. RealRank aims to replace historically unreliable influence indicators such as Google PageRank, Alexa and Comscore by providing more accurate statistical data collected directly from the source.
While other services report rankings based on traffic sub-sampling, inbound links and external data, RealRank utilizes the IZEA Toolkit (ITK) to provide real visitor data collected from a piece of code blog owners embed on their blog. The data is used to define an individual blogs overall standing relative to other blogs participating in the program as well as in specific categories such as entertainment and technology.
Unlike other ranking systems, the RealRank scoring algorithm is public. The system weights blogs 70% on daily unique visitors, 20% by daily active inbound links and 10% by daily page views as reported by ITK. Participants can choose to expose just their RealRank score or expand reporting to include other data such as pageviews and visits. This provides advertisers with the most comprehensive and relevant view of a blog's ability to meet specific campaign goals. RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere.
What is ROIRank?
ROIRank is another IZEA ranking system that will be launched in January 2008. ROIRank looks at the return on investment advertisers can expect to achieve on a given blog. Look for more information about ROIRank after launches.
Why do we need another site ranking?
Until today, there have been two major site ranking standards: Google PageRank and Alexa.
Google PageRank is determined based on the combination of an unpublished ranking algorithm (which rates the quality of your site based on the number of other sites linking to it) and some apparently manual overrides to that algorithm's result. PageRank is not based on real traffic, but on what Google perceives as the quality of a website as determined by a link rating algorithm and some cloudy rules. The arbitrary and unpredictable nature of this ranking system has left both bloggers and advertisers longing for accurate statistical measure.
Alexa Rank uses Alexa toolbar users' browsing activity to extrapolate a guess as to a site's actual traffic, and what percentage of Internet users are likely to visit it. While Alexa attempts to estimate traffic based on a sample, they are inaccurate and do a terrible job when it comes to sites with smaller niche audiences.
RealRank is a more accurate ranking than Alexa and Google PageRank because it isn't based on a small sample of a site's visitors or on a censored link-weighting algorithm. It's based on real traffic.
I tried to get the stats on a URL and got the error, "Site statistics unavailable." Am I doing something wrong?
If you're getting this error and you've double-checked that the URL you entered is correct, the site you are trying to track is either not in our database or has been marked as private by its owner. If it's yours, add it to your account (create an account first if you haven't already). In order to get real statistical data from a website, it must have a piece of javascript code embedded in each page that lets us track visits, pageviews, and other goodies.
How do I hide my site's statistics from the general public?
You must have an account with IZEARanks and claim your site in order to hide its statistics from the general public. Once you've completed the site claim process your privacy setting will become active.
Interseted? Just go to Izea Ranks.
Confused with the calculation of the ranking that was carried out by Google PageRank or Alexa?
Now, you might not again confuse, because of having Izea Ranks. With the system RealRank that was different, Izea Ranks will count the ranking blog we in accordance with the reality.
Here, I give you a little question and answer, so you can learn about RealRank from Izea Ranks.
What is RealRank? How is it calculated?
RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere. The service is designed to help advertisers analyze the relative reach of blogs and make informed online advertising purchasing decisions in the long run. RealRank aims to replace historically unreliable influence indicators such as Google PageRank, Alexa and Comscore by providing more accurate statistical data collected directly from the source.
While other services report rankings based on traffic sub-sampling, inbound links and external data, RealRank utilizes the IZEA Toolkit (ITK) to provide real visitor data collected from a piece of code blog owners embed on their blog. The data is used to define an individual blogs overall standing relative to other blogs participating in the program as well as in specific categories such as entertainment and technology.
Unlike other ranking systems, the RealRank scoring algorithm is public. The system weights blogs 70% on daily unique visitors, 20% by daily active inbound links and 10% by daily page views as reported by ITK. Participants can choose to expose just their RealRank score or expand reporting to include other data such as pageviews and visits. This provides advertisers with the most comprehensive and relevant view of a blog's ability to meet specific campaign goals. RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere.
What is ROIRank?
ROIRank is another IZEA ranking system that will be launched in January 2008. ROIRank looks at the return on investment advertisers can expect to achieve on a given blog. Look for more information about ROIRank after launches.
Why do we need another site ranking?
Until today, there have been two major site ranking standards: Google PageRank and Alexa.
Google PageRank is determined based on the combination of an unpublished ranking algorithm (which rates the quality of your site based on the number of other sites linking to it) and some apparently manual overrides to that algorithm's result. PageRank is not based on real traffic, but on what Google perceives as the quality of a website as determined by a link rating algorithm and some cloudy rules. The arbitrary and unpredictable nature of this ranking system has left both bloggers and advertisers longing for accurate statistical measure.
Alexa Rank uses Alexa toolbar users' browsing activity to extrapolate a guess as to a site's actual traffic, and what percentage of Internet users are likely to visit it. While Alexa attempts to estimate traffic based on a sample, they are inaccurate and do a terrible job when it comes to sites with smaller niche audiences.
RealRank is a more accurate ranking than Alexa and Google PageRank because it isn't based on a small sample of a site's visitors or on a censored link-weighting algorithm. It's based on real traffic.
I tried to get the stats on a URL and got the error, "Site statistics unavailable." Am I doing something wrong?
If you're getting this error and you've double-checked that the URL you entered is correct, the site you are trying to track is either not in our database or has been marked as private by its owner. If it's yours, add it to your account (create an account first if you haven't already). In order to get real statistical data from a website, it must have a piece of javascript code embedded in each page that lets us track visits, pageviews, and other goodies.
How do I hide my site's statistics from the general public?
You must have an account with IZEARanks and claim your site in order to hide its statistics from the general public. Once you've completed the site claim process your privacy setting will become active.
Interseted? Just go to Izea Ranks.

The Clear Concept
Some time before, I carried out the interview with one of my friends who became the famous writer in Indonesia.
The question that was given by me around his activity as the writer and how him so that could write well.
According to him, wrote that was good that must have the clear concept. So that our book could the behaviour in the market.
Evidently, wrote not only about ourselves, but also must pay attention to the person's other wish.
The question that was given by me around his activity as the writer and how him so that could write well.
According to him, wrote that was good that must have the clear concept. So that our book could the behaviour in the market.
Evidently, wrote not only about ourselves, but also must pay attention to the person's other wish.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I Signed Up for SocialSpark!

Still remembered with my post about the invitation from SocialSpark? At that time, several hours after I sign up, finally I was received as member SocialSpark.
For your information, SocialSpark is a Social Marketing Network that connects advertisers and bloggers through an online advertising marketplace. Advertisers are able to target blogs based on conversational topics and make cash sponsorship offers to the bloggers who publish them. Bloggers can make money by either placing display advertisements on their blog or by writing sponsored content. The sponsorships offered through the SocialSpark marketplace allow advertisers to build buzz, generate traffic and maximize social media exposure
After circling for a moment inside they website, I found several matters that were different from the other PaidReview programs, including being the Opportune system that was given. If in the other program only was one that is Sponsorship Post, then in SocialSpark was provided by three Opps choices, that be:
1. Sponsored Post
This kind was the same as the Program kind PaidReview other. We must be able to reviewing the site advertiser that we took they Opp with content that original, unique and definitely spelling as well as grammar him must be true.
2. Blog Sponsorship
This was the new kind that was offered by SocialSpark. This kind was significant blog we were made by a media by advertiser to put forward their advertisement. If we were received to receive Opp this kind, then anyone who was opened blog we will find an advertisement bar below browser that said that blog this was sponsored by advertiser this.
As your seen in this blog! :)
3. Spark Sponsorship
This was the kind that more was social, because usually without requirement especially and free.
Unfortunately, although still new and I could enter as member in the beginning they're operational, Opps that was offered often has been full by member that came from Europe or America.
Until now, just two Opps that was successful I took and the rest was in the list was waiting.
But, I believed that SocialSpark would be the greatest PaidReview in the future!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wrote that was Easy
When I was browse on Internet about writing, I found a website that have a good article.
Title is “Wrote That Was Easy”.
How come easy? According to the author, the origin has filled the formula 5W+1H, an article indeed filled the condition as the article that filled the completeness of information. The simile built the house, we could have seen him as the appropriate house: had the foundation, the pole, the wall that formed rooms, the roof, the door and the window.
When we wrote, has been almost certain his aim wanted to be read by the other person totalling possibly. Rarely very the person write afterwards was kept personally and at one time was burnt. So that the other person wanted read, this article must attracted their interest. To make an article interesting asked many people who became our target, to need the addition of the factor again. That is magnitude — that his free translation: the attraction for many people. The article that met 5W+1H cannot attract many people read. Possibly saw his title already direct he passed.
After read his article, I totally agree with his opinion. What about you?
Title is “Wrote That Was Easy”.
How come easy? According to the author, the origin has filled the formula 5W+1H, an article indeed filled the condition as the article that filled the completeness of information. The simile built the house, we could have seen him as the appropriate house: had the foundation, the pole, the wall that formed rooms, the roof, the door and the window.
When we wrote, has been almost certain his aim wanted to be read by the other person totalling possibly. Rarely very the person write afterwards was kept personally and at one time was burnt. So that the other person wanted read, this article must attracted their interest. To make an article interesting asked many people who became our target, to need the addition of the factor again. That is magnitude — that his free translation: the attraction for many people. The article that met 5W+1H cannot attract many people read. Possibly saw his title already direct he passed.
After read his article, I totally agree with his opinion. What about you?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Start Writing and Free Wrote
I’ve written this post after make conversation with my friend.
He is a good writer that I always learn for him.
So, this is my post!
Everyone, anything his background, could write a work,
Fiction and non-fiction. Provided that he was not blind the letter. His problem is did he have the desire to write and afterwards carried him out.
If he wrote or told each incident be based on the fact that was remembered by him without the wish to guess, increased or beautified, he was a writer of non-fiction.
On the other hand, if in writing he wanted to change various matters, grew-increased, beautified him, or even created something that was new, it was available that his relations with the beginning material, he was a person the writer of fiction.
This the simple limitation that was given by the writer of this book, Josip Novakovich.
However, generally all the works of fiction were the mixture between the facts and fiction. Remained how the writer's imagination could gather him to an interesting narration.
In this case could be mentioned Pramoedya Ananta Toer, that most of his novels have a background behind the history. In his novels, Pramoedya Ananta Toer 'mengotak-atik', the history fact became the series of the narration that completely just. None was wrong regarding this.
The writer of fiction free to treat the 'fact' whatever him was appropriate with the aim that he wanted.
"Wrote the simile swam". In other words, was as clever as anything about the theory wrote, if we did not begin underlined our pen in paper, then until forever we not would be able to.
But that was the problem, why did I have difficulty very much to begin him and headed him? So I felt not in to make the work wrote scientific, because of my scientific capacity that still was very minimal.
With the problem, how to be able to head one the paper? How eliminated the feeling not all that the Self-confidence?
Capital of the foundation became the writer was:
1. Had the determination and training perseverance.
2. Had the motivation, the very strong intention, so as not lazy at practising and being not easy to lose hope.
3. Hard-working read the book and other information to increase the concept, developed the idea, and sharpened the analysis power.
4. Hard-working practised. In this case, a beginner could did "free writing" (wrote free), his theme any, including your problem about various available problems. From "free" writing with the freestyle, you could develop him to the article.
5. You practised compiled outline, namely the outline of the channel the article that will be compiled by you, beginning with intro, the identification the problem, the contents or the discussion, as far as the cover.
6. Don't be lazy did rewriting, wrote repeated draft the first article. Carry out revision in everywhere. Afterwards editing, especially the matter of grammar and the use of words.
7. Don't be lazy wrote, because that became effective means practised at the same time bring up very the self-confidence. Please was an opened news site on internet, read the news, and write your comments on their space.
Don’t shame just actions!
He is a good writer that I always learn for him.
So, this is my post!
Everyone, anything his background, could write a work,
Fiction and non-fiction. Provided that he was not blind the letter. His problem is did he have the desire to write and afterwards carried him out.
If he wrote or told each incident be based on the fact that was remembered by him without the wish to guess, increased or beautified, he was a writer of non-fiction.
On the other hand, if in writing he wanted to change various matters, grew-increased, beautified him, or even created something that was new, it was available that his relations with the beginning material, he was a person the writer of fiction.
This the simple limitation that was given by the writer of this book, Josip Novakovich.
However, generally all the works of fiction were the mixture between the facts and fiction. Remained how the writer's imagination could gather him to an interesting narration.
In this case could be mentioned Pramoedya Ananta Toer, that most of his novels have a background behind the history. In his novels, Pramoedya Ananta Toer 'mengotak-atik', the history fact became the series of the narration that completely just. None was wrong regarding this.
The writer of fiction free to treat the 'fact' whatever him was appropriate with the aim that he wanted.
"Wrote the simile swam". In other words, was as clever as anything about the theory wrote, if we did not begin underlined our pen in paper, then until forever we not would be able to.
But that was the problem, why did I have difficulty very much to begin him and headed him? So I felt not in to make the work wrote scientific, because of my scientific capacity that still was very minimal.
With the problem, how to be able to head one the paper? How eliminated the feeling not all that the Self-confidence?
Capital of the foundation became the writer was:
1. Had the determination and training perseverance.
2. Had the motivation, the very strong intention, so as not lazy at practising and being not easy to lose hope.
3. Hard-working read the book and other information to increase the concept, developed the idea, and sharpened the analysis power.
4. Hard-working practised. In this case, a beginner could did "free writing" (wrote free), his theme any, including your problem about various available problems. From "free" writing with the freestyle, you could develop him to the article.
5. You practised compiled outline, namely the outline of the channel the article that will be compiled by you, beginning with intro, the identification the problem, the contents or the discussion, as far as the cover.
6. Don't be lazy did rewriting, wrote repeated draft the first article. Carry out revision in everywhere. Afterwards editing, especially the matter of grammar and the use of words.
7. Don't be lazy wrote, because that became effective means practised at the same time bring up very the self-confidence. Please was an opened news site on internet, read the news, and write your comments on their space.
Don’t shame just actions!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Blogger's Choice Awards! Votes and be Populars!

Do you want your blog to be the most popular blog in the world?
Just simply! Sign Up to Blogger's Choice Awards, the most popular user-generated blog-voting site on the planet!
This site not only allows you to nominate your favorite blogs within a slew of unique categories but you can also vote and comment on others that have already been submitted. In turn, others can also vote and comment on the blogs you've nominated. Votes will be displayed on the site in real-time, so you can see who's leading within each category at any moment! Winners in each respective category will be revealed in late 2008, and will be recognized at a one-of-a-kind awards ceremony (date and location to be determined at a later time). The results will be posted here at
Like I say, just vote for this blog! and let the world decide.
The Blogger's Choice Awards are sponsored by IZEA, Inc. and its properties, as well as any sponsors.
This is a sponsored post. :)
I'm Invited to SocialSpark!

A few minutes ago, i was surprise when I open my e-mail, I found invitation from IZEA to join theyre program called SocialSpark!
I don't know am I qualified to be invite, but I'm really appreciate their invitation and that is proofing my blog is qualified to their requirement.
Thank's to SocialSpark team!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Contest Teen Funny Story 2008
Funny Teenager Story!!
Since 2004, Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) had been succes publishing a lot of young writer. They're manuscripts really fresh and make wondering. Now, in this year, GPU looking for something new. What else if not a teenagers funny stories?
* Open for Indonesian people above 15 years old.
* Manuscript must be original, not translate or plagiat.
* Manuscript must be never published in mass media, and not following other contest already.
* You can send more one manuscripts.
* This contest is not permitted for PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama employess and they're families.
* Manuscript must be 100-200 pages long, typed in 1,5 space, font Times New Roman 12 pt with numbering pages and using A4 paper size.
* Send manuscript to:
Panitia Lomba Cerita Konyol Remaja 2008
Redaksi Fiksi PT Gramedia Pustama Utama
Gedung Gramedia Lt.3
Jl. Palmerah Barat 33-37
Jakarta 10270
* Deadline 30 Juni 2008 (Stamp Post)
#1: Rp. 7.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#2: Rp. 5.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#3: Rp. 3.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
another 10 winners, they're manuscript will be publish by Gramedia.
So, what you waiting for?
Funny Teenager Story!!
Since 2004, Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) had been succes publishing a lot of young writer. They're manuscripts really fresh and make wondering. Now, in this year, GPU looking for something new. What else if not a teenagers funny stories?
* Open for Indonesian people above 15 years old.
* Manuscript must be original, not translate or plagiat.
* Manuscript must be never published in mass media, and not following other contest already.
* You can send more one manuscripts.
* This contest is not permitted for PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama employess and they're families.
* Manuscript must be 100-200 pages long, typed in 1,5 space, font Times New Roman 12 pt with numbering pages and using A4 paper size.
* Send manuscript to:
Panitia Lomba Cerita Konyol Remaja 2008
Redaksi Fiksi PT Gramedia Pustama Utama
Gedung Gramedia Lt.3
Jl. Palmerah Barat 33-37
Jakarta 10270
* Deadline 30 Juni 2008 (Stamp Post)
#1: Rp. 7.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#2: Rp. 5.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#3: Rp. 3.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
another 10 winners, they're manuscript will be publish by Gramedia.
So, what you waiting for?
Friday, April 11, 2008
How to Reviewing a Book
Many times, I wrote about how to make good stories for children’s. I hope that can help you to understand definition about writing and make a good manuscript.
Now, I want to talk about how to reviewing a book.
First, reviewers should stick to reviewing the kinds of books they like. Do not try to review the kinds of books you don’t like. Trust me, its very difficult.
Second, reviews should describe what the book is like, and not just represent a visceral reaction of the reviewer.
Three, You can put a book in context relative to other work by the author is great, as long as there is clarity in doing so.
Forth, Review the book, not the author. You know why? Because we are talking about ‘Reviewing a Book’ not ‘Reviewing the author’.
Fifth, Give your objective review. Not just because the author is your friend, you reviewing the book and always give the review with the hyperbola words. It’s not fair for your readers.
Now, I want to talk about how to reviewing a book.
First, reviewers should stick to reviewing the kinds of books they like. Do not try to review the kinds of books you don’t like. Trust me, its very difficult.
Second, reviews should describe what the book is like, and not just represent a visceral reaction of the reviewer.
Three, You can put a book in context relative to other work by the author is great, as long as there is clarity in doing so.
Forth, Review the book, not the author. You know why? Because we are talking about ‘Reviewing a Book’ not ‘Reviewing the author’.
Fifth, Give your objective review. Not just because the author is your friend, you reviewing the book and always give the review with the hyperbola words. It’s not fair for your readers.
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