Confused with the calculation of the ranking that was carried out by Google PageRank or Alexa?
Now, you might not again confuse, because of having Izea Ranks. With the system RealRank that was different, Izea Ranks will count the ranking blog we in accordance with the reality.
Here, I give you a little question and answer, so you can learn about RealRank from Izea Ranks.
What is RealRank? How is it calculated?
RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere. The service is designed to help advertisers analyze the relative reach of blogs and make informed online advertising purchasing decisions in the long run. RealRank aims to replace historically unreliable influence indicators such as Google PageRank, Alexa and Comscore by providing more accurate statistical data collected directly from the source.
While other services report rankings based on traffic sub-sampling, inbound links and external data, RealRank utilizes the IZEA Toolkit (ITK) to provide real visitor data collected from a piece of code blog owners embed on their blog. The data is used to define an individual blogs overall standing relative to other blogs participating in the program as well as in specific categories such as entertainment and technology.
Unlike other ranking systems, the RealRank scoring algorithm is public. The system weights blogs 70% on daily unique visitors, 20% by daily active inbound links and 10% by daily page views as reported by ITK. Participants can choose to expose just their RealRank score or expand reporting to include other data such as pageviews and visits. This provides advertisers with the most comprehensive and relevant view of a blog's ability to meet specific campaign goals. RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere.
What is ROIRank?
ROIRank is another IZEA ranking system that will be launched in January 2008. ROIRank looks at the return on investment advertisers can expect to achieve on a given blog. Look for more information about ROIRank after launches.
Why do we need another site ranking?
Until today, there have been two major site ranking standards: Google PageRank and Alexa.
Google PageRank is determined based on the combination of an unpublished ranking algorithm (which rates the quality of your site based on the number of other sites linking to it) and some apparently manual overrides to that algorithm's result. PageRank is not based on real traffic, but on what Google perceives as the quality of a website as determined by a link rating algorithm and some cloudy rules. The arbitrary and unpredictable nature of this ranking system has left both bloggers and advertisers longing for accurate statistical measure.
Alexa Rank uses Alexa toolbar users' browsing activity to extrapolate a guess as to a site's actual traffic, and what percentage of Internet users are likely to visit it. While Alexa attempts to estimate traffic based on a sample, they are inaccurate and do a terrible job when it comes to sites with smaller niche audiences.
RealRank is a more accurate ranking than Alexa and Google PageRank because it isn't based on a small sample of a site's visitors or on a censored link-weighting algorithm. It's based on real traffic.
I tried to get the stats on a URL and got the error, "Site statistics unavailable." Am I doing something wrong?
If you're getting this error and you've double-checked that the URL you entered is correct, the site you are trying to track is either not in our database or has been marked as private by its owner. If it's yours, add it to your account (create an account first if you haven't already). In order to get real statistical data from a website, it must have a piece of javascript code embedded in each page that lets us track visits, pageviews, and other goodies.
How do I hide my site's statistics from the general public?
You must have an account with IZEARanks and claim your site in order to hide its statistics from the general public. Once you've completed the site claim process your privacy setting will become active.
Interseted? Just go to Izea Ranks.

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