Friday, April 11, 2008

How to Reviewing a Book

Many times, I wrote about how to make good stories for children’s. I hope that can help you to understand definition about writing and make a good manuscript.

Now, I want to talk about how to reviewing a book.

First, reviewers should stick to reviewing the kinds of books they like. Do not try to review the kinds of books you don’t like. Trust me, its very difficult.

Second, reviews should describe what the book is like, and not just represent a visceral reaction of the reviewer.

Three, You can put a book in context relative to other work by the author is great, as long as there is clarity in doing so.

Forth, Review the book, not the author. You know why? Because we are talking about ‘Reviewing a Book’ not ‘Reviewing the author’.

Fifth, Give your objective review. Not just because the author is your friend, you reviewing the book and always give the review with the hyperbola words. It’s not fair for your readers.

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