Just as you know, few days ago I registered to be a member of PayPerPost after one of my friends informed me about it. He said he could earn money from his blog through PayPerPost.
I was interested and tried to register. First, on several attempts, they rejected my blog, but finally today I received an email from PayPerPost informing that the blog I sent was accepted. I could take Opportunities and wrote about them in my blog.
What actually is PayPerPost?
I am sure you really want to know about PayPerPost.
PayPerPost is the biggest paid review program, today. PayPerPost will pay a posting in our blog or site. Our task is just to post a review or an opinion about a product or services, and if PayPerPost and advertisers accept the posting, they will pay for it.
So, for what will I use the money from PayPerPost?
To live in Indonesia is hard in financial, now. It makes almost all companies must do some efficiencies in all aspects to survive, including to reduce their employees. That’s why, as the member of PayPerPost, I will use the money I earn to run my own business. I hope I will make my life better financially.
Interested? Want to get paid to blog? Just Sign Up to PayPerPost and I hope you can make your dreams come true.
I joined and stright away my Google Rank went from 3 to 0. So watch out.
And...satu lagi info tambahan, berhubung blog kamu pakai blogger, jadi ada kemungkinan google akan memblokir blog kamu...bukannya nakut-nakutin tapi sudah banyak kejadiannya sih...mudah2an sih ngga yah and sukses deh buat PPP-nya. Cheers!
@colin & magpies zone
Thanks for information.
Khusus magpies:
Emang banyak denger sih, cuman ya, mencoba tetap ikutan aja, sambil berusaha agar bagaimana nantinya Google tidak melakukan tindakan sesadis itu.
Terima kasih perhatiannya.
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