Short story it's true ever draw to be consumed by the children. Because its contents which variatif, sometimes walke the story represent the refleksi aktualisasi from children life. So that they likely read their own story. Sometime, short story also give the solution to the unresolved problema children. Because immeasurable it form short story in magazine of exist in Indonesia, following I divide into some type (could probably expand):
1. Short story Realist: this short story which is at most written and become the mains to genre of other type short story for children.
Tell a story the everyday children life problem. Either in family environment, neighbour, friendship, go to school, or precisely les, vacation place, etc. This short story is easy to made for the beginner of because the formula also can be made modestly, namely : opening, conflict, solving of conflict ( usually by entangling byword figure; teacher, ortu, etc). Just for example a child which like the fad convert the content of his/her bag friends in a rest time, then he hated by his friends; then got across the (conflict), but he persist its. Until then his friends try to animal will be daunting of. Then when the this boy convert the its friend bag content, sudden in it there is frog.... he scream the fear, pale! Even faint. Solving of conflict? Not yet.... The teacher can be involved... and say, that ignorant of friend of there is its boundary, both for the fearing frog and also its friends....
to be continued.....
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