Thursday, March 13, 2008

Short Story in Children Magazine#6

6. Momentum short story:

This is story relate to the certain momen, for example short story of about fasting, short story 'lebaran' or Moslem Day's, short story about Independen Day, etc.

To this type of we better make the special sign of right do angle; corner to the short story face page; yard made, for example "Short Story of Kartini Days" (in Indonesia).

So that the the Editor can immediately know that our short story, short story of momentum of Kartini Day. Don't send the short story of momentum too casquette. Labouring at least 3 previous month.

Yes, so introductory first to short story in children magazine...

Later, I will tell you some tips to make the short story of children and deliver it to magazine or news paper.

to be continued....

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