Sunday, December 14, 2008


Let me say this competition in Indonesian.


Writing & Photo Competition

Total hadiah Rp. 200 juta

PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk (XL) menyelenggarakan lomba karya tulis dan foto XL Award 2008

Untuk disebarluarkan


A. Wartawan

B. Masyarakat Umum


Tema :

· Regulasi pemerintah bidang telekomunikasi dan konsekuensi bagi industri selular.

· Mencari layanan nilai tambah (VAS) seluler paling efektif dan bermanfaat bagi publik

· Konvergensi IT dan Telekomunikasi dan keuntungan bagi masyarakat.

· Masa depan 3G dan peluang WiMAX di pasar Indonesia.

· Dampak investasi di sektor telekomunikasi seluler terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah.

· Turunnya tarif telekomunikasi terhadap kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi masayarakat Indonesia.

· Pengaruh perkembangan telekomunikasi seluler terhadap perkembangan industri tertentu di Indonesia.


Tema :

· Selular dan kebutuhan masyarakat menengah ke bawah.

· Edukasi seluler kepada pelanggan.

· Ketatnya persaingan antar operator.

· Jaringan telekomunikasi menjangkau daerah-daerah pelosok negeri.

· Kepedulian industri selular keapda masyarakat dan pelanggan.


1. Kesesuaian dengan tema

2. Visualisasi

3. Unsur teknis


Lomba Karya Tulis

· Materi tulisan pernah dipublikasikan di media cetak/media online antara 1 Oktober – 31 Desember 2008 untuk wartawan, dan dipublikasikan di media cetak media online/blog pada periode/waktu yang sama untuk umum.

· Materi tulisan berformat feature dan in-depth reporting (untuk wartawan)

· Materi tulisan berformat feature, in-depth reporting, atau opini dan bukan berformat laporan ilmiah (untuk umum)

· Materi tulisan yang dikirim harus :

* Dalam format file MS Word (Soft copy)

* Disertai bukti pemuatan berupa kliping asli bukan fotocopy (untuk media cetak) atau link website/blog melalui email (untuk media online/blog)

· Materi tulisan belum pernah dan tidak sedang diikutsertakan dalam lomba sejenis yang diselenggarakan XL maupun pihak lain.

· Setiap peserta bias mengirimkan maksimal 3 (tiga) tulisan.

Lomba Foto :

· Materi tulisan pernah dipublikasikan di media cetak/media online antara 1 Oktober – 31 Desember 2008 untuk wartawan, dan dipublikasikan di media cetak/media online/blog pada periode/waktu yang sama untuk umum.

· Materi foto dikirim dalam bentuk :

* Tercetak dengan ukuran A-4 (bias lewat pos/kurir/diantar langsung)

* Soft copy dalam format JPG (bias lewar email)

* Bukti pemuatan berupa kliping asli bukan fotocopy (untuk media cetak) atau link yang dikirim melalui email ke peserta (untuk media online/blog) 

· Materi foto belum pernah dan tidak sedang diikutsertakan dalam lomba sejenis yang diselenggarakan XL mauun pihak lain.

· Foto harus sesuai dengan tema yang telah ditentukan.

· Setiap peserta bias mengirimkan maksimal 3 (tiga) foto


Juara I untuk setiap kategori dan jenis lomba Rp. 18.000.000,-

Juara II untuk setiap kategori dan jenis lomba Rp. 13.000.000,-

Juara III untuk setiap kategori dan jenis lomba Rp. 8.000.000,-

Juara harapan I untuk setiap kategori dan jenis lomba Rp. 3.000.000,-

Juara harapan II untuk setiap kategori dan jenis lomba Rp. 2.000.000,-

Tiap pemenang akan mendapatkan : Sertifikat + Thropy + Pulsa XL Rp. 1.200.000,-


1. Hasil karta artikel tulis dan foto serta bukti pemuatan (menuliskan alamat URL dan bagi peserta umum yang mempublikasikan tulisan atau fotonya melalui blog/website) dikirimkan ke:

Pantitia XL Award 2008 Writing & Photo Competition


Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo Komplek Bier No 1A

Menteng Dalam, Jakarta Selatan.

Telp. 021 83702660, 32709418

2. Soft copy karya tulis (MS Word) dan foto JPG (maksimum 2 M) dikirim ke XLAward@…

3. Karya tulis dan foto diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 5 Januari 2009

4. PR Agency, XL dan dewan juri akan menguumkan pemenang pada acara XL Award 2008 yang berlangsung pada akhir Januari 2009.


Pantitia XL Award 2008 Writing & Photo Competition


Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo Komplek Bier No 1A

Menteng Dalam, Jakarta Selatan.

Telp. 021 83702660, 32709418

CP: Hari Nugroho (08161854142), Yus (081510782447)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

In December 2007, J.K. Rowling unveiled The Tales of Beedle the Bard, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Standard Edition
a very special book of five fairy tales illustrated by the bard herself, embellished with silver ornaments and mounted moonstones. Amazon was fortunate to come into possession of one of the original copies, and it was our privilege to share images and reviews of this incredible artifact. Now J.K. Rowling is giving millions of Harry Potter fans worldwide cause for celebration with a new edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, available December 4, 2008.

Offering the trademark wit and imagination familiar to Rowling's legions of readers--as well as Aesop's wisdom and the occasional darkness of the Brothers Grimm--each of these five tales reveals a lesson befitting children and parents alike: the strength gained with a trusted friendship, the redemptive power of love, and the true magic that exists in the hearts of all of us. Rowling's new introduction also comments on the personal lessons she has taken from the Tales, noting that the characters in Beedle's collection "take their fates into their own hands, rather than taking a prolonged nap or waiting for someone to return a lost shoe," and "that magic causes as much trouble as it cures."

But the true jewel of this new edition is the enlightening and comprehensive commentary (including extensive footnotes!) by Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who brings his unique wizard's-eye perspective to the collection. Discovered "among the many papers which Dumbledore left in his will to the Hogwarts Archives," the venerable wizard's ruminations on the Tales allow today's readers to place them in the context of 16th century Muggle society, even allowing that "Beedle was somewhat out of step with his times in preaching a message of brotherly love for Muggles" during the era of witch hunts that would eventually drive the wizarding community into self-imposed exile. In fact, versions of the same stories told in wizarding households would shock many for their uncharitable treatment of their Muggle characters.

Professor Dumbledore also includes fascinating historical backstory, including tidbits such as the history and pursuit of magic wands, a brief comment on the Dark Arts and its practitioners, and the struggles with censorship that eventually led "a certain Beatrix Bloxam" to cleanse the Tales of "much of the darker themes that she found distasteful," forever altering the meaning of the stories for their Muggle audience. Dumbledore also allows us a glimpse of his personal relationship to the Tales, remarking that it was through "Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump" that "many of us [wizards] first discovered that magic could not bring back the dead."

Both a wise and delightful addition to the Harry Potter canon, this new translation of The Tales of Beedle the Bard is all that fans could hope for and more--and an essential volume for the libraries of Muggles, wizards, and witches, both young and old.

The Children's Voice Campaign
Children's High Level Group The Tales of Beedle the Bard is published by The Children’s High Level Group (CHLG), registered charity number 1112575, a charity co-founded in 2005 by J.K. Rowling and Emma Nicholson MEP to make life better for vulnerable children.

All net proceeds from the sale will be donated to The Children's Voice campaign.

The Children's Voice campaign is run by CHLG. It campaigns for child rights across Europe, particularly in Eastern Europe where over a million children and teenagers are growing up in institutions, often in unacceptable conditions. In most cases they are without adequate human or emotional contact and stimulation, while many only just survive without life's basics such as adequate shelter and food.

CHLG's Children's Voice campaign helps around a quarter of a million children each year through education activities; outreach work in institutions; and a dedicated telephone and email help line.

Standard Edition Product Features:
• All five fairy tales from the original The Tales of Beedle the Bard
• A new introduction by J.K. Rowling
• Illustrations reproduced from the original handcrafted book
• Commentary on each of the tales by Professor Albus Dumbledore
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun Writing

Yesterday, I going blogwalking and found Ali Muakhir blog. On his blog I read about new book is talking about Fun Writing for children.

I think his book is good for our children which want to be a writer.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vote and Choose your American Seafood Recipe

The first time I visit I was surprised by the site. This site is about American seafood cook off and there are many chefs with their recipes from all over the US compete in the contest. The site also offers many things. The offer that attracted me most is the recipe contest, which offer a trip package to New Orleans. Then I tried to vote for one of American Seafood recipe. I really hope I win the prize that is a trip to New Orleans.

I vote for “Shrimp and Andouille Cassaulet” by Chef Brian Landry from Louisiana. I choose the recipe because it is made from shrimp and I like Shrimp very much. For me, any cooking which made from or one of the ingredients is shrimp, will always taste delicious. Moreover, the steps in the recipe are easy to follow. Not only the steps, which are easy to follow, but the ingredients are also easy to find. Furthermore only a little time is needed to serve the recipe.

In addition, the recipe is using fresh Louisiana head-on shrimp that will make the cooking healthier and more delicious since shrimp has a lot of protein needed by our body. This recipe is “Louisiana seafood” cooking it will always great to try a “local recipe” but “national or even world wide taste”.

For you who love to cook and want to broaden your recipe collection on seafood just visit the site and find your favorite seafood recipe. Moreover you can have a chance of winning the trip to New Orleans prize package by voting for one of the recipe.

Sponsored by Lousiana Seafood

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4)

It might seem redundant to dismiss the fourth and final Twilight novel as escapist fantasy--but how else could anyone look at a romance about an ordinary, even clumsy teenager torn between a vampire and a werewolf, both of whom are willing to sacrifice their happiness for hers? Flaws and all, however, Meyer's first three novels touched on something powerful in their weird refraction of our culture's paradoxical messages about sex and sexuality.

The conclusion is much thinner, despite its interminable length. Everygirl Bella achieves her wishes quickly (marriage and sex, in that order, are two, and becoming an immortal is another), and once she becomes a vampire it's almost impossible to identify with her. But that's not the main problem. Essentially, everyone gets everything they want, even if their desires necessitate an about-face in characterization or the messy introduction of some back story.

Nobody has to renounce anything or suffer more than temporarily--in other words, grandeur is out. This isn't about happy endings; it's about gratification. A sign of the times? Ages 12–up. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Product Description

Twilight tempted the imagination. New Moon made readers thirsty for more. Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon. And now, the book that everyone has been waiting for....

Breaking Dawn, the final book in the #1 bestselling
Twilight Saga, will take your breath away.

About the Author
Stephenie Meyer graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English Literature, and she lives with her husband and three young sons in Arizona. Stephenie is the author of Twilight,New Moon, and Eclipse.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

With Cisco Certification, Mastering Information Technology Means Conquering the World

Now a days, world sems to be unlimited because of the internet. World wide just like a very vast viral areal. What is happening in one part of the world can be easily known by people of another part of the world at the same time. That's all because of the information technology.

Living in a globalisation era, we are demanded to master technology the one who are mastering technology, he will easily conquering the world. Hewee, in the future, people who have information technological skill will get a very vast opportunity in their life and carrier.

It is in like with my own experience. In the past I was just a graduate of a vocational school and I worked only as a typist. Then I knew I have a big interet in technology. I started to learn about informational technology from one of IT staff at my office.

Mastering informational technology especialy graphic design, I tried to apply for a job to a big publishing company. Though I just have a vocational school diploma, I easilly accepted at the company because I master graphic design and it network comparing to the one who are a university graduate but he did'nt have an IT skill.

Not only me who has such experience, but there are also many people who has changed their life because they master informational technology. For example people who take an IT training at Cisco and get the Cisco certification. They were are ordinary people then with their Cisco Certificate they can change their life.

By having Cisco Certificate, the chance to have an IT carrier are open wider. Visit they're website here.
Sponsored by Cisco

Monday, July 28, 2008

The alternative to the Search for the Idea #2

At this time made the story for children must not contain the old moral message. But, was enough to give the other touch to our article.

We said must have the high creativity power. Please write any that had been experienced by you with the lighter speaking style. If you could make the amusing story, then make the amusing story.

Not had the moral message also it's alright, for related that criticized the adult. Not only advised.

Created trend just and only should not become the follower.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn, Best Seller Book

From the clod hand Stephenie Meyer, born the Twilight Saga, a best seller books. First book with tittle Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1), then New Moon (The Twilight Saga, Book 2), Eclipse (The Twilight Saga, Book 3), and now... coming soon Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4).

Twilight tempted the imagination. New Moon made readers thirsty for more. Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon. And now, the book that everyone has been waiting for....

You must have it and can buy this book in here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

JK Rowling opposed the Distribution of the Age to the Book

The plan to group books was based on the age of her reader was opposed hard by the writer of the book of Harry Potter, JK Rowling.

Rowling has also signed a petition that refused this plan with the other famous writers, like Anthony Horowitz, Terry Prachett and Alan Garner.

The plan grouping the book was based on the age of this reader was begun when the association of the publisher of the child's book carried out the research two years ago and afterwards suggested that 86% of the consumer gave precedence to the age guidance.

They suggested the cover of the publisher's book contained the logo that showed their book was suitable for the age reader 5+, 7+, 9+, 11+ and 13+/teen.

Got 10.000ec from the Biggest Entrecard Contest Ever

I was clicking one link that carried me to blog entrecard. Afterwards I read him and startled that Entrecard held a rewarded contest many and big.

Many because of his sponsor as far as tens website and big because of his gift reached 10.000ec.

I hoped could get 10.000ec from this contest.

Did not believe? Please see the list of the sponsor was supervised this:

Fantasy Baseball - 10,000ec — You can trade in 10,000ec for, like, Graham’s car or something.

Q3-n - 5000ec — Q3-n is selling their 1950s dinette furniture to finance this contest. They say, “You’re welcome.”

Øblog - 4000ec — Wow! 4000ec is going for like $30 on the Entrecard market. Thanks, Weird Oh.

Evil Woobie - 3000ec — Hey, maybe she’s not so evil after all! Or is she? You make the call!

Turnip of Power - 1001ec — He was going to go with 1000 then he found an extra credit in his couch. Thanks, Turnip!

Celebrity Pictures - 1000ec — Credits were acquired through legal means. Supposedly.

Evil Entrecard Kid! - 1000ec — Entrecard trivia: Evil Woobie and Evil Entrecard Kid are not related. Yet.

Modern Glam - 1000ec — With the 1000ec, perhaps you’ll buy an imaginary 1000ec pashmina and hang it around your virtual neck.

Dot Com Mogul - 1000ec — With this 1000ec, you might be able to buy back Q3-n’s dinette furniture.

Blabberwocky - 1000ec — It’s a play on Jabberwocky.

Looking For Scoop - 1000ec — Nothing says “I can buy one popular ad” like 1000ec. - 1000ec — And she’ll teach you how she does that weird signature thing. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, look at her site.

Travelin’ Show - 1000ec — Message from the year 2012: Macy’s is now taking credits and a 1000 gets you one earring.

The Hypnotist - 1000ec — She will put you under a spell. Recognize!

Diet Pulpit - 1000ec — You can buy a lot of imaginary rice cakes with 1000ec. Side note, imaginary rice cakes taste better than real ones.

The Realtor - 500ec — You want insight. Listen to her write. It’s like magic beans growing in the backyard of your brain.

Romelo - 500ec — Romelo, Romelo, wherefore art thou 500ec? - 500ec — With gas prices soaring, it won’t be too long before 500ec goes for 501ec.

Inspire Emotion - 500ec — Almost pay for your favorite 512ec ad!

Sue Doe-Nim - 500ec — She’ll probably give you the credits then mock you for wanting them. That’s right — bonus!

Thailand Land of Smiles - 500ec — Actually, that’s 500 smiles.

FitnessLifeClub - 500ec — You’ll have to promise not to blow these credits on any fattening foods.

Lisa Cooking - 500ec — Surprise the whole family with 500 Entrecard credits.

JunkieYard Dot Com - 500ec — If you put these credits in a 401K, in 45 years you’ll have enough credits for a free e-card.

Movie Reviews - 500ec — You can’t buy a movie ticket with Entrecard credits. Yet. (Graham twirls his mustache. Contemplating world domination.)


Aerten Art - She’s donating a painting. Seriously. Go look at her site and tell me you wouldn’t want a painting. Now. We’ll wait.

ImpNERD - 125×125 ad for a month — Let’s see, ImpNERD usually sells advertising for 256ec/day. You get this for a month. Um, yeah, you want this.

PoemsofQuotes - A cheesy poem about the winner’s topic — Win this and then ask them to rhyme something with, “Orange.” - A custom made 125×125 card. Some of you need this. You know who you are.

Diet Pulpit - One week ad spot right below the banner and a personal greeting from Lady Rose saying, “Congratulations!”

JunkieYard Dot Com - Three blogroll links. Okay, the thing is, you can’t just get these. They’re prizes only won here.

The Hypnotist - A Hypnotic Audio - I don’t think this will simply be trance music. I could be wrong.

Together this is a virtual truckload of credits and prizes. (But who’s counting?) There will be ONE WINNER for EACH prize. (Caps are for emphasis, not aesthetics.) So that means there will be hundreds (or maybe dozens) of winners. Wow. Okay, again and backwards — wow.


1. Write about this contest and just mention the one prize you want to win. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 1 Entry

2. Write about this contest on your blog, mention the prize you want to win and copy all of the sponsors. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 2 Entries

Know, you must believe me. But, remember this contest will be running only for 14 day's since 5 july.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The alternative found the Idea for the Story

To look for the idea, we must not look for the quiet place. There were several other alternatives like:

1. The Glossary method

We made list words that afterwards were developed by us into a story.

2. The First Line method

Take the first sentence from any book, but that was not yet read or asked was made the sentence by the friend, and tried you wrote personally his continuation.

3. The Title method

See titles in the bookshop or the library. Please wrote was based on the interesting title attention without knowing his contents before.

It is hoped beneficial!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Reference, the Important Factor in Write

Yesterday I received the telephone from a friend who offered a work wrote.

I at once agreed to him and immediately made the article in accordance with the theme that was determined.

A few moments later, I experienced the difficulty in wrote because of not having the reference that was linked with the theme that would I wrote.

At that time, I thought where I must look for him?

After quiet several times, I began browsing and looked for articles that in accordance with the theme that would I wrote. Results? I again smooth wrote and completed 40 pages in time one day.

Afterwards, I sent the article to my friend and tomorrow him I received the news that my article was accepted.

This one lesson was valuable concerning the importance of a reference.

By having the reference, we will find it easy in wrote, because as our writer could develop the article from the reference that was owned by us.

My message, increased read and gathered the reference so that you could write well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The benefit SocialSpark for Mommy Bloggers

Since stopping from her work, my wife only took care of the child and did the work of the other housewife.

From a career woman afterwards became the housewife made her stress and lost hope. As the woman, he also wanted to be useful and help the production of the household.

One day, I informed an activity that could reduce stress that was suffered by her. She asked me, "What?"

"Blog," replied I. "By carrying out the activity blog in the Internet, you could distribute the hobby of writing you." Moreover, you could also produce money."

"Got money? How can?" asked my wife was curious.

I began explained about SocialSpark, a program paid reviews belonging to Izea that also the owner PayPerPost.

I also suggested so that herself wanted studied SocialSpark in a gathered manner as member in the program but also gathered in mailing list they. Why must gather with mailing list? Because in mailing list this we could receive more clear and complete information.

Moreover, we could also ask directly to member that more previously gathered with SocialSpark but also could share the experience with member other.

As a mother who carried out the activity blog in the Internet, my wife currently no longer experiences stress because of feeling again useful for the family.

All this was told by me not to arrogant, but so that you the mothers who carried out the activity blog in the internet also knew the benefit from SocialSpark that was open for who, in fact for a mother like you.

What you waiting for? Immediately gathered with SocialSpark!

Sponsored by SocialSpark

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How to make Article that was Good, Interesting and Awakened

One of my friends who was named Jonru gave several tips so that our article interesting and awakened.

In this article, he said that many questions concerning the method wrote that was good from friends who just began written. All that could be overcome with:

1. Continued to practise wrote
Don't had stopped wrote. Because wrote that as driving the car. It was increasingly high that the hour flew you, then your expertise then will increasingly good.

2. Hard-working Read
Read quality books. If our body was compared the "writer's factory", then input him - including being the reading material, and output him (or the product that was produced) was the article.
Therefore, the activity read for a writer was very important.
Our article will often be coloured by the reading material kind that was devoured by us. When you hard-working read teenlit, then you will become a writer teenlit. When you hard-working read the opinion in the newspaper, then you will become a writer of the opinion.

Was like this henceforth.

Tips above possibly was impressed very simple. But, believed! The method above when being practised seriously, sometime in the future you will find one -in fact possibly many- the startling fact.

Friday, June 6, 2008 the Most Attractive Paid Review Program

Almost two months I’m become a member SocialSpark.

Much easiest this program offered that. From the registration to payment to review that have we posting in blog/our site.

A few months ago, I wrote about SocialSpark in this blog. According to me, SocialSpark had several surpluses compared with the similar program that is in bargaining opportunity.

In SocialSpark was gotten by 3 types opportunities, which are Sponsored Post, Blog Sponsorship and Spark.

1. Sponsored Post. Like the other program, in this first choice we were required reviewing a site that was chosen by us and when being agreed to, then advertiser will pay review we this.

2. Blog Sponsorship. This second choice for me was a unique choice and was different from the other program.
When we chose the type blog sponsorship, then every time blog we were visited by the person, then a bar will emerge underneath browser and will give the explanation of details about whoever became the sponsor blog/our site on that day.
Oh, the other profit for us was blog sponsorship paid us every day.

3. Spark. This third choice was the choice that was mutually beneficial between blogger that one and that was other.
When we chose Spark, then we could reviewing blog/the site of the other person and in accordance with the agreement then the person that too would me-review blog/our site.
This third choice according to me was very beneficial to develop the popularity blog/our site.

And still many profits and other surprises that were offered by SocialSpark. I has proven, how about you?

Was curious? Just direct sign up here and proved personally.

PayPerPost sponsors this review

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Give the colour to the child's story-book

Gave the 'colour' to our article will make our text become better.

The world of the child was the complicated world and we as the adult occasionally had difficulty dive into and making a story that could be received by children.

Therefore, had several tips to give the 'colour' to the child's story-book.

First tips is to make the analogy with children's spectacles.

And that was second was to define the term innocently.

It is hoped two tips above could help and give the 'colour' to your article.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

To the Bookworm was Good-looking

Greetings the Book!

Weblog or blog was one tren most latest from a running age that was carried the internet. This term began to be introduced since 1997 that referred in the collection website personal that was renewed continually, contained link to
Website other and was accompanied by the comment. Inside the manufacturers blog or blogger put forward the photograph and the article concerning various topics.

Blog was also website. If website only a collection archives and the data, then blog was the most latest phenomenon from web.

Blog the book was part of the generation blog that wanted to celebrate one buana that could be seen freely and personally. They were the generation of the new reviewer the book by using the more egalitarian medium. If the generation of the old reviewer was still contesting pages of the national newspaper and the area by considering the editor's appetite of the book, then this new generation read the book and wrote him came back with the spirit was very personal without tired his article was rejected.

In relation to that, then the Alliance of the Mad Bookworm (By Me Ms-Gil—http://kubugil. multiply. com) co-operated with Indonesia the Book and the organiser “Festival in May Veteran” spread out the pretext of Temu Blogger the Book more than one Indonesia with the editorial: “Menjadi Kutu Buku itu Keren”. This agenda was held in:

The day/the Date: on Saturday, May 17 2008
Struck: 11 – 14 WIB
The place: the Domus Bataviasche Nouvelles Café Day eyes
Street Veteran I/30-33 Jakarta Pusat, telp 021-3840127,
The e-mail: indonesiabuku@
(next west the Istiqlal mosque or north Monas or bersebalahan with the AD Headquarters)
The speaker: Taufik Rahzen (the culture critic and the collector
The book)
Hetih Rusli (the editor Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
H Tanzil (the moderator milis resensibu I and pasarbu I)

We invited You All to be present in the pretext. This agenda was open for the public that loved the book be full wisdom and blogger the book. And of course FREE!

Was like this this invitation, thank you for his attention.

Greetings the book!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Zookoda, Newsletter the most New Generation

Are you tired used newsletter or mailing list that was conventional?

Want to look for and get something that more than only a newsletter or mailing list?

No need to be again confused. Now came newsletter or mailing list that was revolutionary! By various feature and the surplus compared to applications that offered the same thing. Zookoda!

What is Zookoda?

Zookoda is a leading Blog Broadcasting Service provider. Zookoda allows blog owners to proactively drive readership, exposure and traffic by sending blog summaries via email to their readers. Zookoda provides blog owners with the tools to manage their mailing lists, design their emails, broadcast blog summaries and track recipient usage.

With Zookoda, you can Keep your blog audience informed in the form of an email newsletter. Zookoda gives you complete control over all your email marketing.

There are many surpluses that were owned by Zookoda Compared to the similar service. Among them:
1. We could manage the email newsletter subscribers.
2. Enhance your blog with custom newsletter subscription forms.
3. Design eye-catching newsletters to match your blog design.
4. Schedule recurring broadcasts for each day, week or month.
5. View real-time open, bounce, click and unsubscribe reports.
6. Access mobile users by emailing blog content in text format, and all of this is totally FREE!

You could prove Zookoda surpluses by trying subscribing newsletter through form available on the right this blog.

Or if still curious, you could just direct to their website in here.

Sponsored by Zookoda

Scrutinised the Market

Wrote that for the other person.

For the writer of the idealist, wrote was the vocation to give the benefit and enlightenment for the other person. However, not few people that wrote for reasons of that was other.

Money and the popularity were a small part of the various reasons that were used by the person to write.

For you who tried to get the production from wrote, not there is mistakenly if you controlled beforehand the market that will be entered by you. His intention was before wrote, you must know who the reader from your article.

Therefore, your article would exact the target and you will get the production from your article.

Congratulations tried and continue to wrote!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Online business - All about the Writing

Was involved in the online business being the hard struggle. Why? Because of millions of people was inside before. And one important aim of the online business players was to place the site or blog belonging to him in the first place of the search machine.

Many methods were carried out, starting from when joining the PPC program, Spam, installed the advertisement banner that was expensive, the promotion through the edition, to carried out the "Black Hat" technique.

In fact, all that cannot last long without content that was interesting in our site. And content that could be received by writing something that was useful for the other person.

So, all the techniques that were discussed by the person were about written. Because, content was the king.

Then, how could the article produce the visitor that many to our site, while the other person did not yet know the site/blog we? And will need a long time to promote him.

The answer has for all the doubt been here. Higrade Article Submitter!!

With Higrade Article Submitter, our article would direct submit to 1500 article directories and tens of thousands of visitors will immediately flood your site.

Immediately had Higrade Article Submitter and made your site the number 1 in the internet!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Goozex! Your Game Trading Community

Are you looking for a video game with a cheap cost?

Are you wanted to play every video game but you don’t have much money to buy them?

Don’t worry! Know you can get every video games you want without spend a lot of your money with join on!

What is

Goozex (short for "Goods Exchange") is a leading video game trading community. It provides the most advanced, feature-rich, and customer-acclaimed platform to trade video games for points.

On Goozex, you pay only a $1 transaction fee for each game they receive.

How works?

Goozex provides a unique trading platform for video games. Members trade their games for Goozex Points, and then use their Points to get other games from other Goozex users.

The Goozex system is entirely automatic. Members list the games they have available for trading, and those they wish to receive, and Goozex finds the best match for their offers and requests. Each game is pre-assigned a value in Goozex Points, to make easy and effortless trading games on Goozex.

So, what are you waiting for? Just go to and get your favorite video game!

Sponsored by

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The experience Write Non-Fiction

This article was obtained by me in the Forum for FLP Hong Kong. Hopefully helped and brightened.

Allow me to share the experience about wrote non-fiction. The experience that really personal, because I was convinced we respectively had style that was different. Hopefully continued to give the benefit.

Initially, wrote non-fiction not something that was interesting for me, because since small I more liked to read books a group Lima Sekawan, or the classic book a kind of Robin Hood and Ivanhoe, or the puppet story (this still to my hobby now, especially because the content his value of the character that was high). I just was interested better understanding the writing of non-fiction after beginning to scrutinise works naturalist a kind of David Attenborough, David Quammen, or David Stokes. That made me fall in love with their work was the simple delivery method, the way it is, but the draught thought, and strangely for me, there his beauty! Then I also afterwards tried to write works of non-fiction about natural. And because by chance I choosed in the field insects, then was insects became my fad "casualties" wrote. The uniqueness, the intensity, the insects peculiarity was completely translated by me in my works. Results of two books that were published in 1994 and 1997. There were several matters that were noted down by me for friends for the process of the writing of these works.

1. I did not know, why did I tend to use the style wrote spoke. So if being paid close attention to, all of my articles certainly said an incident with "my" leading figure as the speaker. This style most was good to be used by me, because flexible. Meaning that, I was not loaded to look for the other leading figure. I did not know, what was this style of being suitable for the writer of fiction? But for me who tried to explore the problem that was connected with nature, this speaking style was most appropriate, flexible and flowed. I remembered words of one of the editors of the big publisher who published my first book. He say that had been never that wrote with the style like that to the writer of non-fiction that his book was published by his publisher. At that time I only said, so my style, and I will never change him, because there my strength, at the same time my enjoyment. He smiled and nodded-angguk agreed. He said, I also felt the same with you, because if that your typical characteristics, that is why became your strength also.

to be continued.....

Monday, April 28, 2008

RealRank from Izea

Had been disappointed when seeing the ranking blog you were not in accordance with the visitor's size blog you?

Confused with the calculation of the ranking that was carried out by Google PageRank or Alexa?

Now, you might not again confuse, because of having Izea Ranks. With the system RealRank that was different, Izea Ranks will count the ranking blog we in accordance with the reality.

Here, I give you a little question and answer, so you can learn about RealRank from Izea Ranks.

What is RealRank? How is it calculated?

RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere. The service is designed to help advertisers analyze the relative reach of blogs and make informed online advertising purchasing decisions in the long run. RealRank aims to replace historically unreliable influence indicators such as Google PageRank, Alexa and Comscore by providing more accurate statistical data collected directly from the source.

While other services report rankings based on traffic sub-sampling, inbound links and external data, RealRank utilizes the IZEA Toolkit (ITK) to provide real visitor data collected from a piece of code blog owners embed on their blog. The data is used to define an individual blogs overall standing relative to other blogs participating in the program as well as in specific categories such as entertainment and technology.

Unlike other ranking systems, the RealRank scoring algorithm is public. The system weights blogs 70% on daily unique visitors, 20% by daily active inbound links and 10% by daily page views as reported by ITK. Participants can choose to expose just their RealRank score or expand reporting to include other data such as pageviews and visits. This provides advertisers with the most comprehensive and relevant view of a blog's ability to meet specific campaign goals. RealRank is the first site ranking service that focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere.

What is ROIRank?

ROIRank is another IZEA ranking system that will be launched in January 2008. ROIRank looks at the return on investment advertisers can expect to achieve on a given blog. Look for more information about ROIRank after launches.

Why do we need another site ranking?

Until today, there have been two major site ranking standards: Google PageRank and Alexa.

Google PageRank is determined based on the combination of an unpublished ranking algorithm (which rates the quality of your site based on the number of other sites linking to it) and some apparently manual overrides to that algorithm's result. PageRank is not based on real traffic, but on what Google perceives as the quality of a website as determined by a link rating algorithm and some cloudy rules. The arbitrary and unpredictable nature of this ranking system has left both bloggers and advertisers longing for accurate statistical measure.

Alexa Rank uses Alexa toolbar users' browsing activity to extrapolate a guess as to a site's actual traffic, and what percentage of Internet users are likely to visit it. While Alexa attempts to estimate traffic based on a sample, they are inaccurate and do a terrible job when it comes to sites with smaller niche audiences.

RealRank is a more accurate ranking than Alexa and Google PageRank because it isn't based on a small sample of a site's visitors or on a censored link-weighting algorithm. It's based on real traffic.

I tried to get the stats on a URL and got the error, "Site statistics unavailable." Am I doing something wrong?

If you're getting this error and you've double-checked that the URL you entered is correct, the site you are trying to track is either not in our database or has been marked as private by its owner. If it's yours, add it to your account (create an account first if you haven't already). In order to get real statistical data from a website, it must have a piece of javascript code embedded in each page that lets us track visits, pageviews, and other goodies.

How do I hide my site's statistics from the general public?

You must have an account with IZEARanks and claim your site in order to hide its statistics from the general public. Once you've completed the site claim process your privacy setting will become active.

Interseted? Just go to Izea Ranks.

Sponsored by IZEARanks

The Clear Concept

Some time before, I carried out the interview with one of my friends who became the famous writer in Indonesia.

The question that was given by me around his activity as the writer and how him so that could write well.

According to him, wrote that was good that must have the clear concept. So that our book could the behaviour in the market.

Evidently, wrote not only about ourselves, but also must pay attention to the person's other wish.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I Signed Up for SocialSpark!

Still remembered with my post about the invitation from SocialSpark? At that time, several hours after I sign up, finally I was received as member SocialSpark.

For your information, SocialSpark is a Social Marketing Network that connects advertisers and bloggers through an online advertising marketplace. Advertisers are able to target blogs based on conversational topics and make cash sponsorship offers to the bloggers who publish them. Bloggers can make money by either placing display advertisements on their blog or by writing sponsored content. The sponsorships offered through the SocialSpark marketplace allow advertisers to build buzz, generate traffic and maximize social media exposure

After circling for a moment inside they website, I found several matters that were different from the other PaidReview programs, including being the Opportune system that was given. If in the other program only was one that is Sponsorship Post, then in SocialSpark was provided by three Opps choices, that be:

1. Sponsored Post
This kind was the same as the Program kind PaidReview other. We must be able to reviewing the site advertiser that we took they Opp with content that original, unique and definitely spelling as well as grammar him must be true.

2. Blog Sponsorship
This was the new kind that was offered by SocialSpark. This kind was significant blog we were made by a media by advertiser to put forward their advertisement. If we were received to receive Opp this kind, then anyone who was opened blog we will find an advertisement bar below browser that said that blog this was sponsored by advertiser this.
As your seen in this blog! :)

3. Spark Sponsorship
This was the kind that more was social, because usually without requirement especially and free.

Unfortunately, although still new and I could enter as member in the beginning they're operational, Opps that was offered often has been full by member that came from Europe or America.

Until now, just two Opps that was successful I took and the rest was in the list was waiting.

But, I believed that SocialSpark would be the greatest PaidReview in the future!

Sponsored by SocialSpark

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wrote that was Easy

When I was browse on Internet about writing, I found a website that have a good article.

Title is “Wrote That Was Easy”.

How come easy? According to the author, the origin has filled the formula 5W+1H, an article indeed filled the condition as the article that filled the completeness of information. The simile built the house, we could have seen him as the appropriate house: had the foundation, the pole, the wall that formed rooms, the roof, the door and the window.

When we wrote, has been almost certain his aim wanted to be read by the other person totalling possibly. Rarely very the person write afterwards was kept personally and at one time was burnt. So that the other person wanted read, this article must attracted their interest. To make an article interesting asked many people who became our target, to need the addition of the factor again. That is magnitude — that his free translation: the attraction for many people. The article that met 5W+1H cannot attract many people read. Possibly saw his title already direct he passed.

After read his article, I totally agree with his opinion. What about you?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Start Writing and Free Wrote

I’ve written this post after make conversation with my friend.

He is a good writer that I always learn for him.

So, this is my post!

Everyone, anything his background, could write a work,
Fiction and non-fiction. Provided that he was not blind the letter. His problem is did he have the desire to write and afterwards carried him out.

If he wrote or told each incident be based on the fact that was remembered by him without the wish to guess, increased or beautified, he was a writer of non-fiction.

On the other hand, if in writing he wanted to change various matters, grew-increased, beautified him, or even created something that was new, it was available that his relations with the beginning material, he was a person the writer of fiction.

This the simple limitation that was given by the writer of this book, Josip Novakovich.

However, generally all the works of fiction were the mixture between the facts and fiction. Remained how the writer's imagination could gather him to an interesting narration.

In this case could be mentioned Pramoedya Ananta Toer, that most of his novels have a background behind the history. In his novels, Pramoedya Ananta Toer 'mengotak-atik', the history fact became the series of the narration that completely just. None was wrong regarding this.

The writer of fiction free to treat the 'fact' whatever him was appropriate with the aim that he wanted.

"Wrote the simile swam". In other words, was as clever as anything about the theory wrote, if we did not begin underlined our pen in paper, then until forever we not would be able to.

But that was the problem, why did I have difficulty very much to begin him and headed him? So I felt not in to make the work wrote scientific, because of my scientific capacity that still was very minimal.

With the problem, how to be able to head one the paper? How eliminated the feeling not all that the Self-confidence?

Capital of the foundation became the writer was:
1. Had the determination and training perseverance.
2. Had the motivation, the very strong intention, so as not lazy at practising and being not easy to lose hope.
3. Hard-working read the book and other information to increase the concept, developed the idea, and sharpened the analysis power.
4. Hard-working practised. In this case, a beginner could did "free writing" (wrote free), his theme any, including your problem about various available problems. From "free" writing with the freestyle, you could develop him to the article.
5. You practised compiled outline, namely the outline of the channel the article that will be compiled by you, beginning with intro, the identification the problem, the contents or the discussion, as far as the cover.
6. Don't be lazy did rewriting, wrote repeated draft the first article. Carry out revision in everywhere. Afterwards editing, especially the matter of grammar and the use of words.
7. Don't be lazy wrote, because that became effective means practised at the same time bring up very the self-confidence. Please was an opened news site on internet, read the news, and write your comments on their space.

Don’t shame just actions!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blogger's Choice Awards! Votes and be Populars!

Do you want your blog to be the most popular blog in the world?

Just simply! Sign Up to Blogger's Choice Awards, the most popular user-generated blog-voting site on the planet!

This site not only allows you to nominate your favorite blogs within a slew of unique categories but you can also vote and comment on others that have already been submitted. In turn, others can also vote and comment on the blogs you've nominated. Votes will be displayed on the site in real-time, so you can see who's leading within each category at any moment! Winners in each respective category will be revealed in late 2008, and will be recognized at a one-of-a-kind awards ceremony (date and location to be determined at a later time). The results will be posted here at

Like I say, just vote for this blog! and let the world decide.

The Blogger's Choice Awards are sponsored by IZEA, Inc. and its properties, as well as any sponsors.

This is a sponsored post. :)

I'm Invited to SocialSpark!


A few minutes ago, i was surprise when I open my e-mail, I found invitation from IZEA to join theyre program called SocialSpark!

I don't know am I qualified to be invite, but I'm really appreciate their invitation and that is proofing my blog is qualified to their requirement.

Thank's to SocialSpark team!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Contest Teen Funny Story 2008

Funny Teenager Story!!

Since 2004, Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) had been succes publishing a lot of young writer. They're manuscripts really fresh and make wondering. Now, in this year, GPU looking for something new. What else if not a teenagers funny stories?

* Open for Indonesian people above 15 years old.
* Manuscript must be original, not translate or plagiat.
* Manuscript must be never published in mass media, and not following other contest already.
* You can send more one manuscripts.
* This contest is not permitted for PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama employess and they're families.
* Manuscript must be 100-200 pages long, typed in 1,5 space, font Times New Roman 12 pt with numbering pages and using A4 paper size.
* Send manuscript to:
Panitia Lomba Cerita Konyol Remaja 2008
Redaksi Fiksi PT Gramedia Pustama Utama
Gedung Gramedia Lt.3
Jl. Palmerah Barat 33-37
Jakarta 10270

* Deadline 30 Juni 2008 (Stamp Post)

#1: Rp. 7.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#2: Rp. 5.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
#3: Rp. 3.000.000 + Trofi + Doorprize
another 10 winners, they're manuscript will be publish by Gramedia.

So, what you waiting for?

Friday, April 11, 2008

How to Reviewing a Book

Many times, I wrote about how to make good stories for children’s. I hope that can help you to understand definition about writing and make a good manuscript.

Now, I want to talk about how to reviewing a book.

First, reviewers should stick to reviewing the kinds of books they like. Do not try to review the kinds of books you don’t like. Trust me, its very difficult.

Second, reviews should describe what the book is like, and not just represent a visceral reaction of the reviewer.

Three, You can put a book in context relative to other work by the author is great, as long as there is clarity in doing so.

Forth, Review the book, not the author. You know why? Because we are talking about ‘Reviewing a Book’ not ‘Reviewing the author’.

Fifth, Give your objective review. Not just because the author is your friend, you reviewing the book and always give the review with the hyperbola words. It’s not fair for your readers.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

PayPerPost, The Biggest Paid Review Program

Today, I was very excited. You know why? Because PayPerPost accept me as their member.

Just as you know, few days ago I registered to be a member of PayPerPost after one of my friends informed me about it. He said he could earn money from his blog through PayPerPost.

I was interested and tried to register. First, on several attempts, they rejected my blog, but finally today I received an email from PayPerPost informing that the blog I sent was accepted. I could take Opportunities and wrote about them in my blog.

What actually is PayPerPost?
I am sure you really want to know about PayPerPost.
PayPerPost is the biggest paid review program, today. PayPerPost will pay a posting in our blog or site. Our task is just to post a review or an opinion about a product or services, and if PayPerPost and advertisers accept the posting, they will pay for it.

So, for what will I use the money from PayPerPost?
To live in Indonesia is hard in financial, now. It makes almost all companies must do some efficiencies in all aspects to survive, including to reduce their employees. That’s why, as the member of PayPerPost, I will use the money I earn to run my own business. I hope I will make my life better financially.

Interested? Want to get paid to blog? Just Sign Up to PayPerPost and I hope you can make your dreams come true.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Take Action, Right Now!

How to make a good stories? Many times I have got that questions. And what I says to them? I just says simple thing, "Write stories about what things you like".

Then, I got another questions, "But, I still confuse to make stories based to things I like?"

Hearing this questions, I just smile. Why I smile? Cause many times I answering their questions, their will be come to me and aksing another questions whit the same subject again.

You will always asking and aksing again, before you do what you want to do! Take action, after that you will know how to easy make a stories.

Now, listen to me. I want you make storie about your childhood. Don't ask me, just do it and you will suprised how amazing stories you just made up!

Keep practice!! :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Make $$$ with Payperpost

As a blogger from almost two years, I really don't know if we can make a money from blogging.

Someday, my friend told me if he can get a dollar from reviewing a campaign on his blog. I'm not believe him, but he show me about his statistik. "Oh my good," I said. He's really make money from blogging.

From him, finally I know about Payperpost, the leader Paid Review programs.

My friend said, "From Payperpost, I can get until $500 a month. But, I'm sure, in the future, I would get a thousand dollar!"

"How can I join?" i ask him.

"Really simple. You must have blog already," he answer.

"And then?" I asking again.

"Basically, your blog must:
* Be at least 30 days old, with at least 10 pre-existing posts written in the last 30 days.
* Have chronological archives.
* Contain content that is original to you and the blog.
* Be a text/written content blog, meaning no message boards, websites, IM, photoblogs, vlogs, etc.
* Have only one author.
* Not include 'no follow' tags.
* Be a blog written in the English language. We do make note of any blogs submitted in other languages so we may share those as we encounter Advertisers seeking them.
* Not be a blog kept primarily for earning money.

easy, huh?!" he explaining to me.

So, I browse they website and I signup. Now, I just waiting they're approval so I can make money like my friend. If you want join to Payperpost too, just go here!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Join Entrecard for Buzz your Traffic and Popularity

Besides give a good article, I think I have to use another way to increase my blog so my post would readed by other blogger and more useful.
And here, I use one of many way to increase my visitor/reader to my blog, it is a Entrecard.
Join Entrecard, I reallize I'm not make any mistake. For five minutes I join, I get 10 dropped card and get visitor that can increase my popularity blog.
So, what you wait anymore? Just join Entrecard and buzz your traffic!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Friend on Blog Catalog

I just logging in to my Blog Catalog account when I found a very interesting blog.
The name of that blog is "My Page Was Too White" with various content. I feel the owner this blog is a man with the integrity with his post. I really appreciate what he post in his blog. But, first post I read make me sad, just like the tittle in his post "What A Sad Day".
In his post, Jacob Diggle (the owner) was write about his las post. It's because he must return to school and he has decided to suspend his posting temporarily.
I hope, Jacob could posting again, as soon as possible.
I'm waiting your posting, buddy!

My Claim Post to Technorati

I just lost my password to Technorati and I was reclaim my blog to them. So, I asked to claim my blog any several way.

I choose to claim my blog by PostClaim methode, and here my post.
Technorati Profile

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Language for the Story of Child.

For the short story of children, utilize the simple Ianguage and is easy to understood by them. Language of glass Supposing of at window. Idea and story is view of outside there. If we write with the complicated Ianguage and twist the, reader cannot enjoy the idea and story which we write. Hence, continue to exercise to write to reach the good storey;level in have Ianguage, specially Ianguage write.

The other way so that Ianguage ability write we mount is multiply the our reading amount. More and more we read, will becoming there are also many 'kosakata' which we permeate. Trainedly it in writing, will progressively mount also our ability in arranging diction.

Diction of not merely simply to chosen the quip. Diction also can clarify the idea. Even, diction also we can wear for the memperindah of story. Become, enrich continued by a word exchequer which we have and doing in writing.

Don't worry to write by plural's diction. Child need the us infect by immeasurable of 'kosakata'. Don't look down to the ability permeate the children Ianguage. As long as we put down it at real correct sentence and correct context, 'kosakata' which seldom be used even also comprehensibility by them.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Goes to "Penulis Cerita Anak" Blog!

A few minutes ago, I just going for blogwalking and found the blog which the contents just similar with my blog. Name of blog is Penulis Cerita Anak and use Indonesian language. Fortunately, I can understand Indonesian language for little sentence.

I like this blog because many information I can get from there.

I am really recommend to everyone whos looking for resource about writing to this blog. You're gonna not dissapointed. I'm proof it. :)

Tips for Make Short Story and Deliver it to Publishing #2

3. Don't have awaited the short story loaded, newly send again. Long queue enough. And many short story writer certifiable child.

4. Assuring our copy of short story, because several times I find the missing copy... We better write down in covering letter, if in one year our short story there is no news, hence us will abstract the short story. Hereinafter we can throw to other magazine, news paper or publishing.

5. Follow the race which is carried out by a the magazine, because opening opportunity of name of we is recognized by Editor. Yes.... do not recognize then do not love, huh?!

6. Remain to spirit!

That's all tips from me. I hope helpfully.

Tips for Make Short Story and Deliver it to Publishing

Hai All!! We meet again. Like I promise before, I will tell you tips for make the short story of children and deliver it to magazine and news paper or publishing.

Heres the tips :)

1. Study first short story loaded in magazine we to send. Thereby we can know the its reader appetite and its editor appetite. Including the amount of page we which must make.

2. Deliver some short story at the same time in one envelope, with the story which vary, goodness of setting and also its story type.

to be continued .....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Short Story in Children Magazine#6

6. Momentum short story:

This is story relate to the certain momen, for example short story of about fasting, short story 'lebaran' or Moslem Day's, short story about Independen Day, etc.

To this type of we better make the special sign of right do angle; corner to the short story face page; yard made, for example "Short Story of Kartini Days" (in Indonesia).

So that the the Editor can immediately know that our short story, short story of momentum of Kartini Day. Don't send the short story of momentum too casquette. Labouring at least 3 previous month.

Yes, so introductory first to short story in children magazine...

Later, I will tell you some tips to make the short story of children and deliver it to magazine or news paper.

to be continued....

Short Story in Children Magazine#5

5. Short story of Futuristik: From its name, we can know that this short story take the setting of future time.
For the recognition of technological, this short story very well to be developed. Constraint in tilling this short story is the way of pouring technological idea to easy understood by children.

Again, to be continued....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Short Story in Children Magazine #4

4. Short story Comedy:

This is spiced short story of story smell the komedian.

Sometime any little peace of fantasy element smell the fable. Just Downright, myself rather difficulty write the short story of this type of.

to be continued....

Short Story in Children Magazine #3

3. Short story Mystery/Horor:

This short story also draw the special and have private place enthusiasm in some children media ( in Fantasy Magazine or Ino Magazine).
Its Story sometime rather irrational and mistical bebrabau. But I remain to of opinion that mystery story of this type of can possible avoid the matter smelling 'klenik' from children. Reader earn the us dribble to through the metaphysics viewpoint owning decomposition more sensible.

to be continued....

Short Story in Children Magazine #2

2. Short story Mystery/Detectif: This short story is also liked, because inviting to feel vexed.

But that way case solved by non big something that, just take for example: loss of pencil in the class, thief at home side, shadow between two lights, etc. Because page limitation, author have to have the trics to arrange the short story to be remain to draw. Generally this short story is direct opened by conflict (its case), then investigation, expression, and arrest of the perpetrator.

to be continued..... :)

Short Story in Children Magazine

Short story it's true ever draw to be consumed by the children. Because its contents which variatif, sometimes walke the story represent the refleksi aktualisasi from children life. So that they likely read their own story. Sometime, short story also give the solution to the unresolved problema children. Because immeasurable it form short story in magazine of exist in Indonesia, following I divide into some type (could probably expand):

1. Short story Realist: this short story which is at most written and become the mains to genre of other type short story for children.

Tell a story the everyday children life problem. Either in family environment, neighbour, friendship, go to school, or precisely les, vacation place, etc. This short story is easy to made for the beginner of because the formula also can be made modestly, namely : opening, conflict, solving of conflict ( usually by entangling byword figure; teacher, ortu, etc). Just for example a child which like the fad convert the content of his/her bag friends in a rest time, then he hated by his friends; then got across the (conflict), but he persist its. Until then his friends try to animal will be daunting of. Then when the this boy convert the its friend bag content, sudden in it there is frog.... he scream the fear, pale! Even faint. Solving of conflict? Not yet.... The teacher can be involved... and say, that ignorant of friend of there is its boundary, both for the fearing frog and also its friends....

to be continued.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Writing Tip from Journalism Professor Peter Jacobi

This morning, I open my e-mail and found a new massage from my friend with the subject: A Writing Tip from Journalism Professor Peter Jacobi.

I want to share this e-mail to you because I think this e-mail is very good for us.

The necessity of voice—with writing we cannot ever become someone else. Yes, we can learn much from other good writers and, I guess, from bad writers, too. We can emulate the good ones, but ultimately if we are to succeed, we must discover and disclose our own voice, our own sense of style, our own particular embrace of language and information.
Consider by way of explanation, by way of definition, these words: authentic, no formulaic, rhythmic, properly detailed, nuanced, musical, magical, bone-and-sinew touching. Consider the show-verses- tell concept. Consider noun-and verb-cantered writing. Consider experiential closeness. Consider the startling, the inescapable, the visual, the conversational, and the different with a purpose. Consider the vital and the energetic. Consider writing that pulses with a heartbeat of the writer—his soul, her personality—something that cannot be duplicated because it comes from within a someone.
This tip comes from a general session given by Peter at the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua. If you'd like to learn from Peter in person, join us for the 2008 workshop. Find out more at
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to others who might want to see this writing tip.
Peter P. Jacobi is professor emeritus of journalism at Indiana University and a consultant with magazines and corporations, helping CEOs, writers, and editors learn to express their ideas more effectively. His articles have appeared in World Book, The New York Times, Highlights, and others. His two guidebooks, The Magazine Article: How to Think It, Plan It, Write It and Writing with Style: The News Story and the Feature are standard reference sources for journalists.
The Highlights Foundation
814 Court Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: (570) 253-1192

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fiction: Re-Writing, Translating, Adapting, and Writing Masterpiece

Sometimes, when I wish to write fiction, I rather confuse how to start it. The problem is that I frequently find, there are many kind of fiction written, start from rewriten fiction, translated fiction, adapted fiction and so on. One of my friends then told me some tips dealing with it. Below are some tips I remember:

1. Rewriting
The fiction whichis written not based on our own idea. We just re-write the story. Mostly the fictions are folklores in the society which are difficult to traced who the author is, Sangkuriang, for an example. We can re-write the folklore, ofcourse in a better version.

2. Translating
The fiction is a translation of fiction from another country of foreign fiction. For novice authors translating fiction is a good start to write a fiction. From this point they may learn so many things dealing with fiction including idea exploration. As long as the fiction has a good story and it's not published yet or is unfamiliar to he society, the publisher such as children magazine will easily accept and publish this kind of fiction.

3. Adapting
For some fiction author, they are not satisfied if the are just simply translate the foreign fiction. Hence, they are adapting the fiction from another country. For example, a fiction from China will be different in their hand. They may adapt the story and take Javanese culture as the setting, change the name of the characters and finally it become a new fiction. Therefore, the author of such fiction should honestly state the source in the new fiction.

4. Writing masterpiece
The idea of the fiction is our own idea and we are free to state our name as the author of the story. Sometimes, maybe we are not so sure with the diction, evenles if the fiction take a far away country as the setting of the fiction. To convince the publisher we may state that the fiction is original and is written based on our own idea.

Then the next question is about fiction with famous characters in it, such as Kabayan, Abunawas, and other cunning character. For those kind of fiction, the author may take it as someone's masterpiece so that they can rewrite, translate, adapt or even take it as their own masterpiece.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fiction: The Infinite Story

In early I write, fiction charcoal is not easy work.
I cancelled sending several fiction I have written, to magazine. I think, my masterpiece is not as fanciful as existing folklore.
Afterward, I classify publicized fable based on their form, namely:
1. Folk Tale: This fiction is the form wich I like since my childhood.
In Indonesia there are so many fiction classified to folk tale. Such us Sangkuriang, Lake Toba, Malin Kundang, and so on. It seems that most of fictions in Indonesia take the origin of either name, place, or thing as their background. I my self wrote some of it, its title is "Nyi Koneng", about the origin of a very useful turmeric. It takes Pasundan or West Java as the setting.
2. Fairy Tale: This fiction tells fairy story.
To whom has read Cinderella, I'm sure it's easy to classify fiction belonging to this group. I called it miracle story. It is because in this type of fiction anything could happen. Mostly the setting of the fiction is beyond aour imagination and to create by the author. Its true that in fiction the author can create anything beyond logic as said by Khalil Gibran that children's fantasy is boundles. Their imagination can go anywhere they want to go. We should be proud as an author if our story can drive children's wild imagination.
Some authors of this type of fiction are HC Andersen, the Grim Brothers, and so on.
3. Fabels: Fictions with animals as the characters.
The kind of fiction will be more attractive with animal pictures as the character as the visualisation of the story. They are written in order to introduce children to animals world.
I have written severeal of this kind. Walt Disney is famous for making fabels. One of the famous author in Indonesia is Renny Yaniar (Ms. Kesumawijaya).
4. Contemporary Story: It's a combination of "reality story" and "miracle story". One of spectaculer story I've ever read is Pipi Si Kaus Kaki Panjang. It inspired me to write such kind of story.
5. Other types of fictions.
In Indonesia there are stories such as chronicle, Panji stories, etc. Some people state that Rome/Greek myths are also fiction.

Some tips in writing fiction:
1. Determine the type of the fiction for example: whether is it fabel or fairy tale.
2. Think the setting (place and time). To enrich Indonesian fictions/suggest to take the setting in Indonesia. It is easier because there are so many beautiful cultural background to adopt in Indonesia.
3. Then make the story plot and something to emphasize (not a must).
4. More over, to novice writer, pay a great attention to the grammar the punctuation mark, and so on. The book about grammar and the punctuation mark is cheap and easily found in the book store. :)

Read too about idea

Friday, February 22, 2008

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Monday, January 21, 2008

An Idea, Is Beginning

Free Fall Writing Story For Children

An Idea, Is Beginning

A few days ago, i make conversations in messenger with my friend, Tari. One thing which become priority to be asked is an idea.

Actually, it is cliche, and it depends on the writers. If I may share my experience, I always push to my self, my idea must be a unique one. The next question which arise is how to get it?

Then, I asked Tari to mention a thing. Anything near her. "Brooch," typed Tari.

Yup, brooch. Then I ask her again, whom do brooch use or wear by?

Yes, thats right. Women and rich people only.

If we want to tell story about brooch used by rich women, that would be not a unique idea. Then we have to twist that fact. I offering to Tari, how about if that brooch used by poor boy or bagger boy.

Definitly people will be amazed. And from that amazed, will be bring to ask which will be delved our basic idea. Why the exspensive brooch used by the little boy? Is he stolling? Or that brooch is inheritance from his mother, who was a rich women.

From here, an idea can grow up and can directions accordance with our taste. (In this case, I prefer to purpose the story to suspense/thriller stories).

If for writing short story, we don't have to depp to discovered. One more things, we can search anything which corelation with brooch. In internet, books, etc. Mybe we can find out about classification of the stone, what the different with liontin, etc....that is all can be inserted to our story.

Later, our book can be memories by the readers not only a book story but also a book science about brooch.

The ways like this too general in children books. I ever found it when I editing and translating books from Japan. But we have to improvisation, if we're not, Im affraid our story can make our reader bore.

Ok! Just that things I can share to you. Maybe you're have something different about ideas. Let's we share together!

Adapted from millis penulis bacaan anak